Friday 25 April 2008

'Just Another Nobody On 25th Street'

I flick the match away and watch it drown in a gutter. I’m standing next to a streetlight in the pouring rain with a .28 in my pocket. Another tram goes by, making its way down town. Nights like these I could normally be found in Joey’s showing a couple bottles of beer a good time.

Down the street Johnny Friendly comes out of some booth. Didn’t like the look of the heavy with him. Looked like he was stolen from the zoo, shaved and put in a suit three sizes to small. Guys like that needed a lot of shooting before they went down.

I start up the street. Another tram passes by, lighting up the street for a second before disappearing into the darkness. “Hey, Johnny Friendly” I say and they turn round.

“What you want?” He says. Another tram goes past and lights him up, he looks like a little woodchuck. Not a cute woodchuck, an ugly nasty woodchuck.

“I gotta message from the Visconti’s.” I says and pulls out my .28

The heavy’s slow to react, I land two in his belly that knock him back, and another one in his neck to put him down. He goes crashing to the street, I’m sure that guys ten blocks over could hear him fall.

Johnny Friendly starts running across the street, but the roads are slippy and his shoes don’t do so well under pressure. Then- blam. I pop one into his leg. He goes tumbling onto the floor and I run over to him. I aim the little .28 right in between his eyes. He starts laughing at me. Giggling and chuckling like some demented joker.

I then got the joke- I was standing on the tram line and there was one coming. Before I can move- wham- it comes speeding into me and I get dragged underneath it. My guts get spread along the street making a nice photo op for the journos. Just another nobody on 25th street.

1 comment:

Saiyu said...


Giggling and chuckling like some demented joker.

that line got me ^^, i enjoyed it on an extremely twisted level, good job =D