Friday 7 November 2008

'Tales From The Bus Stop'

…never come on time, always waiting then there’s one bus, two bus, three buses all at once and none of them are the one you want. It’s always the way when it’s cold the bus never come on time and the timetables are liars and can kiss my arse who bloody wrote those things anyway? They never arrive when they say they…
…maybe my appendix will bust on the way and I won’t have too go in I hate French anyway who needs French I‘m never going to France but maybe I could go to France and punch a French person because they don‘t know who I am in France and I could get away with it and they…
…bloody dog…
…table will be there. We like our table it’s a good table and a nice view. Maybe Norman will save it for us. Nice Norman nice Norman with the coffee always makes good coffee. Must get our favourite table. Can’t be spending too much today, what will the daughter say, she’ll say ‘You’ve been buying too many clothes again do you really need that many trousers’ but I always always always find a bargain, I’m good at that. I always find a bargain. I do have too many trousers but there are so many nice ones in Marks and Sparks…
…the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round all day long…
…off at Playschool and I’ll go pick up my money, they better have money I want my money I need my money how else am I going to afford food for the week now that he’s out of work the stupid bastard had to go and light up on site bloody fucking idiot leaves us in the…
…kick the bloody thing if it doesn’t shut up why do they let dogs on bus anyway?…
…murder a curry…
…grrrrrrrrrr… grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… grrr… WOOF! Woof woof…. Grrrrrrrrr… …like my appendix to go BOOM! because I wouldn’t have to go in and I’d get all the attention and I’ll have a cool scar and I can say I got it in a fight. Girls like scars. I think they like scars…
…think of the money think of the money, I’ll get through it okay it’s just another day. Work, work, work all work and no money makes Dan a dull boy. Grin and bear it grim and bear it that’s the way too go, be British- stiff upper moustache and all that. I think I’d be a great man if I didn’t have to work…
…it’s just like the Eiffel Tower though, aint it? I know she wanted to go to Paris but we can’t afford Paris and Blackpool Tower is like the Eiffel Tower, ain’t it? I’m sure she’ll like it. I know she’ll love it. It won’t matter when I propose and she’ll forget about Paris cos it’s the thought that counts, ain’t it?…
…We’re going on the bus we’re going on the bus where the wheels go round and round mummy say and I like the doggie too and I want a doggie and I think we should have a doggie waggy tail doggie doggie…
…too early for a curry…
…tail on the dog goes wag wag wag, wag wag wag, wag wag wag the tail on the dog goes wag wag wag all day long…
…here it comes…
…at last…
…bout bloody time…
…isn’t my bus. Better off walking…

This was written for the walk homework for Simon. I think of it as 'Camberwick Green' on speed.

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