Sunday 17 February 2008

Banging Your Head Against A Mad Buggar's Wall

Last night I thought I had it all sorted out, thought that I had worked out what I could do with my blog by serializing a story- but yet this morning as I sit here ready to carry on writing it all my passion and love for it has dissappeared. I just didn't want to write it anymore!

I wrote a good 2000 words of this story last night, yet when I look at it now I don't feel any enthusiasm what so ever. Made it's just the harsh light of day clouding my judgement, I don't know. Who knows I could change my mind again by the end of the day!
I just really, really, really don't know what to do with this blog! I want to do something good so people will read it! ARRRRRRRRRRRAAAGH!!!!!!


Saiyu said...

I understand your frustration, but it's better you get your writers block now than in few years time when you have a couple thousand readers threatening you with violent death, spamming your comments box every three seconds. At least this way you can weigh up the options, take your time and create something truly worthwhile.

Dan. said...

That's very true... although I think the death threats would be good motivation to write.

Detective KimE said...

I hate when that happens, you have a good idea and just lose the drive to make it happen. Usually I leave it somewhere then when I tidy up I find it and then passion rises again. But that doesn't help for now. I don't like the sound of of people spamming the comments box. Although I usually have lots of stuff to write I am always thinking. (If you see me staring into space it's because I'm thinking) I agree with saiyu (is it weird I wrote to your nickname)

Mrs. Noir said...

Ah Dan, I know the feeling. My blog was going to be a story of some sort to begin with, then with no warning, all the crap stored up in my head came flowing out, and I ended up with some sort of journal of my day to day mundane life! Ha! And I definately have no passion for that! x

Heroin Star Box said...

Well if you're promoting the making of brews and not war, then I have mine with two sugars and milk. Just thought I'd say I'm 100% jealous of your ability to post videos, especially ones with the legendary Lennon singing one of the Beatles classics! As for the writer's block, have a good warm brew and some hobnobs, lovely jubbley.

Dan. said...

Well Herion if you want videos go on youtube, find yourself a nice little video, copy the embedding code then stick it in your blog and before you know it you too could have the legendary Lennon in your blog.

Another brew always sounds like a good idea... no hobnobs though, I'm a McVities man...

Southern Belle said...

You're better at blogs than you think :)

37minutestomonday said...

I get like that with my writing sometimes. Like my story that I'm in love with that I didn't write anything on for about five or six solid weeks, which was unheard of. But I didn't want to force myself to write and then do something rubbish, so in the end it's okay. Back to writing it now and it's been going really well ^_^ Thanks for commenting btw!