Wednesday 13 February 2008

What's In A Name?

This is my blog for my Creative Writing lesson, and this is pretty much a test so I can work out what I'm actually doing with it, so if this looks really werid when you read it, it means I haven't quite the hang of it yet. And there's a picture of Bob Dylan!

I've practically spent 40 minutes debating what the hell I should call my blog. The name seems so import to me because I felt it should be a representation or summary of myself. A kind of prelude, if you will, to the blog. Here are some of the selections I went through- 'I'm Sure Bob Dylan is My Father', 'Who Said the 70's Are Dead?', 'Tea and Trilbies', but I couldn't deicde if I should call it something profound or something a little silly. Then I thought I could call it after one of my favourite albums, so it could have been 'Dark Side of the Moon', 'Rain Dogs', 'Scary Monster (And Super Creeps)' and so on and so forth. I eventually settled on the simple- 'Make Tea Not War' because it highlights my love of tea and my dislike of war. Really deep, huh?

The url was easy to do, I just combined the names of my two favourite David Bowie albums- 'Low' and '"Heroes"'.

Anyway, here's a song for you all to enjoy-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you like bob then? he's good he is.