Tuesday 19 February 2008

A Blog For Blog's Sake

I figured that since it's been Sunday since I posted I might as well put something up just to get this ol' thing moving along. Well... I think I am a little closer to knowing what I want to do with story-wise, but it's still early days (and I don't want to say too much incase I jinx it... fate has it in for me recently)

So for something to write about here is my dedication to the women of rock, oh yes, becasue lets face it- rock is dominated by men, but these women simply (for want of another word) rock.

Firstly I take my hat off to Patti Smith, a punk poet whose album 'Horses' is a very important album in the history of rock music-

To the legendary Stevie Nicks from the ever changing line-up of Fleetwood Mac, great solo artist and fantastic songwriter-

To Chrissie Hydne, frontwoman and lead songwriter of 70'/80's band The Pretenders and quite an underrated writer-

My last (and by not means least) dedication is too the one and the only Janis Joplin- the grandmother of all women rockers in my opinion. Nobody ever sang with so much conviction and soul-

I've probably missed a load out (especially Kate Bush, but I don't consider her rock- she's in a league of her own) but those sprang to me mind.

Enjoy, folks.


Southern Belle said...

Your so clever putting videos up! It all goes over my head this technology lark.

Dan. said...

It's simply copying and pasting...

lucky girl said...

you have an absolutley perfect taste in music, judging from this blog entry alone.

it is rarely i say that.

chrissie hynde and stevie nicks make me bite down hard on my fist until it bleeds... i do love them so.

nice choice luv x

pink moonlight said...

Patti Smith = Legend. Chrissie Hynde = Legend. Stevie Nicks = Legend. Janis Joplin = Legend. =]

THE women of rock. I agree with you, Dan.

pink moonlight said...

To southern belle....



Dan. said...

Thank you both.